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Module 1

Lesson 3 :What are your hobbies ?



Exercise 1 :

Complete with:  gardening – cooking – dancing – cycling – painting

He likes
He enjoys
They love
She enjoys
They like

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Exercise 2 :

Fill in the blanc with the correct form of the verb  "to walk"

1. I to school every day.
2. You to school every day.
3. He/She/It to school every day.
4. They to school every day.
5. We to school every day.
6. I walk to school every day.
7. You don't to school every day.
8.He/She/It walk to school every day.
9. They walk to school every day.
10.We don't to school every day.

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Exercise 3 :

Match each picture with the appropriate sentence:  

A +
B +
C +
D +
E +
F +
G +
H +
I +

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