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Module 1

Lesson 4 :Four How do you spend your day?



Exercise 1 :

Insert  on - in - at or no preposition   

- I left work ten o'clock last night.
- I saw Bob in the street yesterday.
-I didn't get time to come andvisit you last Tuesday.
- He used to be a regular visitor Tuesdays.
- I phonedherup and Ispoke toher wednesday morning.
- I last saw him the beginning of September.
- I spoke to her three weeks ogo.

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Exercise 2 :

Re-order the words to get coherent sentences:

you - to - do - How - movies?- often - the - go
never - I - don't - I - because - eat - it - like - meat
the - listen - always - to - in - radio - the - parents - My - evening
you - a - How - often - do - do - take - vacation?
to - Japanese - go - restaurant - We - a - sometimes
late - for - I - never - school - am
usually - I - go - to - the - weekends - beach - on

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Exercise 3 :

Fill in the blanks with the right answer:

My father-in-law has a lot of many. He is very .

a:  reach   

b:  rich   

These shoes don't my .

a:  feet   

b:  fit   

There are 52 in a year.
a:  weeks
b:  wicks

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